I love monsoons.After the hot scorching heat the rainy season is always welcomed by one and all. It is my favorite amongst all four seasons. Sawan is enjoyed by one and all.Plants and trees grow green and refresh our mind and body.
Many festivals are enjoyed with great enthusiasm in this period.Rainy season has both advantages and disadvantages.Roads and playgrounds get filled with water.It also increases the chances of infectious
diseases like diarrhoea, dysentery, typhoid and other digestive system disorders.Now the question arises as to how do we enjoy this marvelous weather without getting ill.
One has to strengthen the immune system.
For that I have 3 products with me which strengthen our immune system and fight with the causes that get us ill.
Organic Chyawanprash
It has 46 powerful organic ingredients which strengthens our immune system naturally.
- It nourishes our brain cells.
- Enhance memory power.
- Increase retention and recall
- Supports healthy heart function
- Improves digestion
- Improves absorption of nutrients
- Helps in cough and asthma.
- Promotes glowing skin complexion
- Helps purify blood
- Acts against the aging process and maintain youthfulness.
- Promotes hair growth and helps absorption of calcium resulting in strong bones and teeth.
- Has Anti-stress adaptogen (rasayana)
- Boost immunomodulatory activity and restores functional immunity in response to defense mechanism
- Helps in maintaining physique, vigor and vitality
A spoonful of Organic Chyawanprash has so many benefits.The best part is its yummy, soothing to the tongue and kids loves the taste and its very helpful in the growth of children.
And if you are wondering whats the secret ingredients well its no more a secret just check this out
Powerful Organic Ingredients
Sanskrit Name
Botanical Name
Amalaki (dry)
Phyllanthus emblica/ emblica officinale
Vitis vinifera
Eletteria cardamomum
Piper longum
Cinnamomum Tamala
Cinnamomum Zeylanicium
Terminalia chebula
Tinospora cordifolia
Eletteria cardamomum
Aegle marmelos
Premna spp
Oroxylum indicum
Gemelina arborea
Stereospermum coalis
Desmodium gangaticum
Pseudarthria viscida
Vigna radiata
Vigna mungo
Tribulus terrestris
Solanum indicum
Solanum xanthocarpum
Ipomea maurtiana/Pueraria Tuberosa
Kempfreria galanga
Boerhavia diffusa
Meda/ Satavari
Asperagus racemoses
Ipomea maurtiana/Pueraria Tuberosa
Piper longum
Adhathoda vasika
Martynia annua
Nymphea stellata
Aquillaria agallocha
Kempfreria galanga
Bala Sidda
cordifolia/ Sidda rombifolia
Holostemma adakodien/ Laptedenia reticulata
Curculigo orchioides
Santalum album
Withania somnifera
Phyllauthus amarus/ Niruri
Bambusa bambus
Kesara (N O)
Mesua ferrea
Sugarcane juice concentrate (Jaggery)
Cow's ghee
Tila Taila
Sesamum indicum

I only prefer Organic Chyawanprash because
1. It is made from pure, potent organic herbs and wild forest fruits
2. It contains only wildcrafted forest Amla fruit pulp, with no seeds
3. It is naturally sweetened with gur and organic raw honey
4. Each spoonful gives 46 nourishing, antioxidant rich herbs & foods
5. As per original Ayurvedic recipe using Organic Ghee & Sesame Oil
6. Enhances bioavailability of nutrients and phytochemical assimilation
7. Acts as a systemic tonic, clearing congestivity (ama)
8. Strengthens the immune system response
9. Supports digestive, heart, brain and liver function
10. Rejuvenates cells: from the skin & hair to the bones & muscles
Organic Chyawanprash is recommended for all ages.
This is so tasty that kids love it as a spread on wholesome breads or crackers, this can be added to smoothies, or as a healthy snack just eaten right out of the jar with a spoon or stirred into a warm glass of milk.
One interesting fact about Organic Chyawanprash is it has sesame oil.Sesame is a bona fide superfood as it is a potent healing herb as well as a very nourishing food and it adds rich, thick, smooth, inviting texture to the Chyawanprash.According to mythology the original Chyawanaprash was created by the physicians of the Gods to ensure the youthfulness and longevity of the great sage Chyawana.It can be used daily as a systemic tonic that improves general wellness and vitality,increasing the longevity and the quality of life.
We have only one life so lets live it to the fullest.
Order your Organic Chyawanprash now online
Organic Wheat Grass Powder
World’s first Multi Vitamin and Super Food. It is an excellent Energy and Immunity Booster supplement.
It contains
- Vitamin A
- Vitamin C
- Vitamin B1
- Vitamin B2
- Vitamin B3
- Vitamin B6
- Vitamin B12
- Folic acid
- Vitamin E
- Vitamin K
- Calcium
- Iron
- Chlorophyll
All these nutrients are available in their natural forms and Naturally Acceptable to the Body.It is the most
easiest daily nutrition.
It is made by safely dehydrating very tender shoots of wheat.
Organic Wheat Grass helps restore healthy alkalinity levels, supports your immune system and the normal
detoxification process, healthy energy levels and promotes overall well being.
Easy to consume just mix 1 tsp of Wheat Grass powder into 1 cup of water or juice or buttermilk or your favorite beverage.
This is also a great base for making a variety of smoothies by adding fresh fruits, vegetables, green herbs and spices.
One can add crushed nuts or flax seeds to add to the taste.
Wheat grass consumption goes way back to some 5,000 years.One ounce of wheatgrass contains 120 calories, 8 grams of dietary fiber, 240% of the RDA of vitamin A, 93% of the RDA of vitamin C, 356% of the RDA of iron, and 12% of the RDA of calcium. It also contains 8 grams of protein.Wheat grass is overflowing with vitamins, amino acids, liver enzymes, and chlorophyll. It contains 98 of 102 earth elements found in soil, including phosphorus, calcium, iron, magnesium, and potassium as well as essential enzymes and 19 amino acids. It also bears more vitamin A and C than oranges and carrots and is rich in vitamins E, K, and B.
Wheat grass is 70% chlorophyll.This makes the wheat grass so powerful.
Chlorophyll reverses aging, suppresses hunger, cleanses the blood, combats odor, and prevents cancer.
Wheat grass should always be consumed on an empty stomach or with other fruits and vegetables. It should never be consumed after a meal, otherwise it will make you feel nauseated.
Young children, pregnant women, and elders should consult their doctors before adding wheat grass to their diets.
Some incredible and wonderful benefits
- Treat Skin Diseases
- Lose Weight
- Reduce Food Cravings
- Detox Your Cells
- Improve Immunity
- Stimulate Circulation
- Improve Digestion
- Treat Arthritis
- Reduce Fatigue
- Get Rid of Body Odor
- Treat Skin Wounds
- Prevent Tooth Decay
- Cleanse the Liver
- Treat Sunburn
- Stabilize Lipid Levels
- Clear Sinus Congestion
- Get Rid of Acne
- Prevent Cancer
- Fight the Common Cold
- Treat a Hangover
- Improve the Mood
- De-Stress
- Fight Depression
- Improve the Appearance of Nails
- Ease Menstrual Pains
- Combat Inflammation
- Get Rid of Bad Breath
- Neutralize Infections
- Repair Damaged DNA
- Improve Your Exercise Regimen
- Slow Down Aging
- Fight Radiation
- Refine and Renew Bodily Tissues
- Flush Drugs out of the System
- Stabilize Blood Sugar Levels
- A better functioning brain
- Balance Your Diet
- Improve Oral Health
- Clean the Bowel (enema style)
- Heal Skin Irritation
- Get Rid of Dandruff
- Enjoy a Better Douche
- Improve Your Sex Life
- Eliminate Heavy Metals from the Body
- Diversify Your Gluten-Free Diet
- Boost Energy
- Increase Fertility
- Improve and Create a More Discernible Palate
- Reduce Appearance of Scars
Order your Wheat Grass Powder now online
Tulsi Mulethi tea bags
My doctor friend always recommends Mulethi for a sore throat.Now this Organic Tulsi Mulethi tea bags are the best and easiest way to keep my throat in check being a Stress Relieving & Vitalizing Tea with great aroma and taste.
Order your Tulsi Mulethi tea bags now online
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